Design Team Projects, New Releases

Magical Quokkas with Maria

Hello and welcome to the Kat Scrappiness, Inc. blog. Maria Russell here with you today with a very simple, yet super cute card featuring the newly-released Magical Quokkas with my new favorite dies called Wizarding Provisions Craft Dies!

Starting by inking up a panel of some Bristol smooth white card stock with Distress oxide inks and adhering the same to some A2-size top-folding card base. I cut a strip of patterned paper from the Magical Quokka 6×6 paper pad to add a little contrast to the colorful background.

To showcase the new products, I die-cut the white frame with the Crafter’s Essentials 1 die set with the Wizarding Provisions Craft Dies. I ink-blended the sorting hat with distress oxide ink and adhered the frame with foam-adhesive for added dimension.

Next, I adhered the Magical Quokka Ephemera to the frame and finished the design with the sentiment from the Simple Sentiment Stamp and die set.


I cannot get over how super cute this new release is! I hope you like this project as much as I do. The supplies I used are listed and linked within the context of this blog post. Thanks for stopping by! 

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